Happy Tubie-versary
October 27, 2012
One year ago today, Grayson became a tubie. He had an NG tube placed- what we thought would be a temporary solution to his poor eating, vomiting, and low weight.
Seven weeks later, he was not eating anything by mouth, and had surgery to get a PEG tube placed in his tummy, and then a month after that, got his G-button.
Today, he has a GJ tube and gets all of his nutrition fed into his intestines, almost 24 hours a day. It’s definitely not the typical way to feed your 2 year old, but Grayson has never been one to do anything typically!
In one year, he’s gone from a failure-to-thrive baby who struggled with every bottle and every bite, to an on-the-growth-chart toddler who we don’t have to worry about getting enough calories. Yes, he still has GI struggles, but his tube is almost nothing but a blessing.
Happy tube-iversary! We feel the same about K's. Such a weird blessing, but blessing nonetheless!
Just look at how much that tube has helped him grow!
Wow – on the charts! Way to go, Grayson! I'm so glad he's getting the nutrition he needs. What a relief for you!
Cutest Tubie I know!
Cutest tubie I've ever seen! Love his shirt, too, makes me giggle.
Holy moly, tiny G with the NG tube, could he have been any cuter! Great pics to show his journey. What a great thing this has been for him!
I love the pics!! Happy to hear G is doing better with the GJ!! Hope to make it to the next dinner so we can catch up 🙂