A Few Little Things

Happy Monday! I am writing this blog post then I am getting in bed and checking out the first night of the new TV season. I have had a sore throat for 10 days and FINALLY got an antibiotic today. I just can’t take this stabbing pain in my throat any longer- and I’d like to be able to swallow comfortably again.

Ryan and I went to College Station on Saturday for the A&M game- we had fun. He went for the football, but I went for this:

This is my very favorite burger in all the land, people. My mouth is watering again just looking at it. And if you look close, you can see the order of fried pickles that we devoured too. Healthy eating at it’s finest. Ah, Chicken Oil Company, I love thee.

The game was fun- we stayed until the middle of the 3rd quarter, then left to beat the crowds. It was the first game after 9/11, and I was reminded that 10 years ago, Ryan and I were also at the first A&M game after 9/11 (although not together-we hadn’t met yet) when Kyle Field looked like this:

I don’t exactly bleed marroon, as they say, but this picture always makes me proud to be an Aggie. I still have my shirt from that day:

Notice the date? I just happened to notice it the other day- September 22, 2001. G-Man’s birthday! I think that is very cool.

Speaking of G-Man’s birthday, it’s on THURSDAY. I can hardly believe our little dude has been with us for a year. Today his OT (who works with us on eating) came to the house- I made G a little “meal” of chicken (chopped in the food processor), mashed potatoes, baby food peas, and hummus. He ate all the different foods and actually swallowed  all his bites! It was seriously the best he’s ever done with eating! I cannot tell you how good it feels when you have a kid who struggles with eating actually eat (and enjoy eating) his food. A perfect end to the day!

And just because this is cute, and hilarious, here’s a video of the munchkin yesterday at his Grammie’s house. He is such a goof!

He is just the BEST. EVER. And he’s going to be ONE.


  1. Erin on September 20, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    Adorable video. So so cute with that toy, glad he loves!

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