I just made a little girl cry. A sweet, blonde-headed, pigtailed girl trying to sell Christmas wrapping paper and candles to her evil, mean tired neighbor.
The kids have been ringing my doorbell all afternoon. 4 neurotic dogs, a cranky baby, tired momma, and school fundraiser doorbell rings at 5 pm just don’t mix. So after I put G to bed at 5:45, I taped this sign to the door.
10 minutes later…DING.DONG. Bark, bark, bark, bark, waaaa, waaaaa. SERIOUSLY?!?
I sprint to the door to find aformentioned sweet pigtailed girl standing on the other side of the glass holding her fundraiser order form. I knock on the glass and angrily point at my sign. I get this look:
So I opened the door and let her have it. I did- I yelled at a kid. After my rant I said “And that is why I put the sign up!”
All she said was, ” I…I…I didn’t read it.” Well, obviously.
So I’m sure I made her cry and she’s probably told all the neighborhood kids how mean and wicked I am and now they’ll be rumors that I kidnap kids and keep them prisoner in the basement (and it won’t even matter that we don’t have basements in Texas; they’ll all believe it anyway).
And I should feel awful. But I don’t. If you are old enough to sell cheap crap to your neighbors, you should be responsible enough to read signs taped to their doors.
The End.
Bwahaha! I guess you still have your teacher voice!
Don't sweat it. I make children cry all the time. Just by looking at them. With my face.(Also, my mom is the crazy lady on their street– she gets some fun surprises in her mailbox from time to time. But the neighborhood kids are also oddly fascinated by her.)
LOL!! love it! i'm so happy i dont live in a neighborhood! no crap being peddled and we dont have to deal with trick or treaters either! [although i reallly like to pass out candy so i go to my aunts and do it hehe]
Hey, those rumors would be a good thing – it would stop kids from coming by with stupid fundraisers! (although that would have it's downside during Girl Scout cookie time)