Silly Little Fish
I just had to post these pictures of Grayson because they made me giggle. His vision teacher suggested the other day that we start working with him on associating objects and positions with things he likes. G has become quite the little high maintenace man lately- he just wants to be held ALL the time, instead of working on his sitting or his self-soothing (AAA!).
Grayson LOVES listening to music and his very favorite song is called “The Goldfish” by the Laurie Berkner Band. It really is a cute song with silly lyrics- if you have kids, you might want to check her out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NpfbA3L2_k
Anyway, G’s vision teacher brought a rubber fish for him to borrow so we are having him sit in his Bumbo several times a day, with the fish, and are playing his Fish Song.
Who knows if he’s getting the association or not, but at least he’s content for about 3 minutes at a time- sometimes I even have the luxury of using the bathroom or brushing my teeth (Wait a minute! We’re Fish! We don’t brush our teeth…Yes, this damn song is on permanent repeat in my head!)
So cute! And so happy that Izzy is there to lend a helping hand/mouth. She is thinking, "he can chew on it, why can't I??"
Let's go swimming, let's go swimming, in the bottom of the ocean!!
I love the photo where it looks like he's kissing the fish! Such a cutie!!!