4 Months!
Didn’t I just do a 3 month post? How can I slow these months down?!?
Well, ready or not, Little Dude is 4 months old! We have so much fun together every single day- singing, reading books, visiting friends, laughing (or yelling) at our doggies…I love being Grayson’s mommy!
We went to the pediatrician on Friday, and here are the latest stats:
Weight: 11 pounds, 13 ounces (4%- yep, he’s doubled his birth weight and then some!)
Height: 23 inches (4 %- well, height genetics are NOT working in his favor!)
Head Circumference: 15 inches (1 %- yes, he has a tiny head, but we are going to cram a lot of knowledge in there! We are going to start memorizing multiplication facts very soon!)
The doctor said yes, he’s itty bitty, but he’s following “his” curve just great!
Eating: Grayson is up to 4-5 ounces every feeing. We switched to “Level 2” nipples on his bottles, which makes a huge difference!

awwh what a cutie!! from the pics he really doesnt look all that small! my hubby is 5'6'' so we are going to have a shrimpy boy too; although blaine is 50 percentile for height / weight, i know it will drop off very soon. happy 4 months!!
That black and white picture is TOO MUCH! He's adorable. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad he's growing so well and perfect for his curve. PS – Where did you get the month onsies?
Love the pics, he is adorable and looking so grown up. Following his own curve is just great, we know all about that over here!!
HE SLEPT FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT???? That's amazing! I'm glad you got some real sleep finally ; ) Love the post! Happy 4 months to G!