3 Months!

Note: I wrote this post on the 22nd, but didn’t have time to take pictures until today. I’m glad I waited…check out that grin!!!

Grayson is 3 months old today! Wow, where have the last 13 weeks gone?! My sweet little boy is growing and changing every day and every day we see more personality and expression from him. He smiles quite a bit now, which melts my heart every time, and is becoming more vocal with his “talking”. This past week he has discovered his hands, and it’s just a matter of time before he discovers that thumb. I prefer the pacifier, which he still loves, but if he becomes a thumb sucker, so be it!

I weighed him this morning and he weighs 10 pounds, 8 ounces which puts him in about the 5th percentile for weight. At least we are now on the growth curve! He still eats 3-4 ounces of formula about every 3 hours and when people ask me if he’s sleeping through the night I have to laugh a little. Not even close! Yes, I’m hoping someday I will get more than 3 hours sleep at a stretch again.

Our routine is going to be shaken the next few weeks because of Christmas, but also because Ryan had major knee surgery yesterday. I am going to have to adjust to doing EVERYTHING because he will be totally immobile for a few days and then on crutches for weeks after that. He can’t drive either. It’s going to be interesting taking care of a baby, husband and 4 dogs! Thankfully I have lots of family who is willing to help!

We are really looking forward to this coming week- Grayson’s first Christmas!!! We will be having Ryan’s side of the family over Christmas Eve to open presents, my family over for Christmas breakfast, then celebrating with my whole family on the 27th. Merry Christmas to all!

Another great SMILE!

Napping in my swing with my puppy


  1. basebell6 on December 24, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    happy 3 months! his hair keeps getting cuter and cuter as does he!!

  2. Erin on December 27, 2010 at 3:11 am

    Adorable, that smile…I love it!!!

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