Why It's a Good Thing My Kid is a Boy: Reason 1
I think my Grayson is the most amazing baby, and I love him so much it hurts. I also love that he really looks like a little boy, as many people have commented. Some babies you really can’t tell, but with Grayson, it’s obvious. I will admit though, before I was pregnant and before we found out Grayson was a boy, I really had hoped for a girl. However, the very reasons I wanted a girl are now the same reasons I now am so glad that my first baby is a boy.
Definitely a boy |
Reason #1: The Stuff
I LOVE baby stuff. I worked at an embroidery boutique part time for years that sold the most adorable baby blankets, burp cloths, nursery accessories and clothes. I loved it all and loved staring at it all for hours while I worked. I also have painted baby and kid stuff since college. I love bright colors, over the top fabric and embellishments, soft blankets, and itty bitty socks and shoes. I had all my nursery furniture two years before I was even married, and have been collecting baby clothes and nursery decor for several years as well.
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And yes, there is CUTE boy stuff out there, but it’s nothing compared to what’s available for girls. I had my if-we-have-a-girl crib bedding picked out since 2008, but took me until halfway through my pregnancy to find the perfect bedding for Grayson. It’s a cliche, but it’s true for me- if I had a girl, I’d be broke. Yesterday, I went to USA Baby because I had a coupon for Christmas clothes and accessories. I was searching for something for G to wear for our Christmas card picture. There was ONE outfit that would have worked for a boy and it was adorable, but way too big for Grayson (size 0-6 months- nice range, clothing company!) But the selection of to-die-for girl stuff just went on and on. Onesies with red and green tutus attached, striped tights, bows, hairbands, etc. etc…Then I saw THESE- aren’t they just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen? And yes, I bought them- for Grayson’s friend Sadie.
So my point is, if I had a girl, I would be broke, broke, broke. Either that or I would just have to avoid stores that sell baby clothes completely. And I’m kind of relieved I don’t have to deal with hairbows. I think hairbows and headbands are just precious on girls- the bigger the bow the better (Ryan will roll his eyes when he reads this). So if I had a girl, I would probably be obsessed with matching a bow or headband with every single outfit, which means I would have to BUY a bow in every color. Again, broke, broke, broke. And speaking of hairbows, have you noticed that this season on 19 Kids and Counting that Josie wears a different super-cute headband every episode? They must be gifts, because they sure don’t look “buy used, save the difference”!
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Yeah, there’s cute boy stuff too! |
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First birthday dress |
You are cracking me up! I have two girls over here that would be happy to have anything you MUST buy. :o) We will just save and you are getting all my stuff anyway for when you have your girl, fingers crossed!! Cute post, cute pic…he is looking so grown up these days!
i love that you mentioned the duggars; love them!anyways, i really wanted a boy but the lack of boys clothing is REALLY obvious at the local goodwill / salvation army. there are about 50 girls outfits to every 1 boys. you can tell that parents of girls over-splurge! :)if i ever do have a girl, she'll be dressed in t-shirts and boy looking things. grandma will have to be in charge of purchasing the frilly outfits!
I laughed through this whole post. And I LOVE the bloomers! I know Sadie will too. Guess she and I will be going shopping soon (as in tomorrow or Saturday) to find something to match. Thank you, thank you! (Not sure Kris will thank you, though, because I just bought her a new dress today – ha!) I agree with basebell6 – love the Duggars, and I have thought the same thing before ….those headbands must be gifts from viewers. And I also agree with Erin – Grayson is looking so grown up! He looks like a little boy in that picture, not a little baby.
I also adore baby stuff! I've been wishing to bless with a baby boy soon.