35 Weeks
I borrowed this list from a few blogs I’ve discovered and have enjoyed reading. I wish I had done this every month, but a lot of it has stayed the same, so …oh well!
How Far Along: 35 Weeks, 4 Days. 31 days till I’m due! I can’t believe it’s a month (or less) away! I am really trying hard to get the house in order and kept clean, but it’s hard. I get really tired really fast and I’m so uncomfortable most of the time it’s easier just to stay put on the couch.
How Big is the Baby: Well, according to my weekly babycenter.com email, Grayson should weigh about 5.25 pounds at this point and be about the size of a cantaloupe. I’d like to meet whoever came up with the food comparisons- week 22 was a spaghetti squash-huh? However, we’re not sure how big he is right now. At my last doctor appointment, my doctor was concerned that I’m measuring small (in her words, I’m “tiny”- ha ha, that makes me laugh since that’s the LAST word I would use to describe myself right now). So, Wednesday afternoon I am going for an ultrasound at the hospital to measure his growth. She wasn’t overly concerned and neither am I- he moves like crazy all the time and the heart looked great on her machine. He just might be a little peanut, and that’s ok. We’ll still take him.
Total Weight Gain: Not sure- I think about 20 or 25 pounds. I can’t remember. Whatever it is, I hope it comes off quickly!
Maternity Clothes: I love maternity clothes! They are so easy and comfy. I’m not going to like going back to zippers and buttons. Most of my regular t-shirts still fit, which is good because that’s my work “uniform”. Ryan will be glad when I can go back to regular pjs, since I was too cheap to buy maternity ones when his boxers work just fine!
Stretch Marks: Not yet!
Sleep: I am sleeping ok, other than having to get up about twice a night to go to the bathroom. I can’t live without my maternity body pillow and 2-3 cat naps a day though.
Movement: My FAVORITE thing about pregnancy- it’s just amazing. I love watching my belly shift and move as he dances in there. So far I haven’t experienced any real painful kicks or jabbing my ribs that everyone talks about. And he hasn’t had the hiccups either. I kind of want him to get the hiccups, just so I can see what the fuss is all about.
Food Cravings: Probably the most annoying thing about pregnancy for me (other than the 4 weeks I threw up every day). I don’t crave anything specific, I am just STARVING all the time. I feel like all I do is eat, which makes it annoying when people tell me how small I am and that I need to eat more to feed the baby. I’ve tried to eat relatively healthy, but Mexican food and pizza always taste SO good! I eat a bag of popcorn almost every morning to curb hunger, I cheat several times a week and have a diet coke or tea- I’m human.
What I Miss: The biggest thing is definitely sleeping on my stomach. And I don’t drink much at all, but a glass of wine or margarita sounds SO good right now. I also miss feeling somewhat in shape. I’m hoping to get back to excercising regularly in a few months.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting this little guy- what else?!
So I guess that’s it for now…off to find something to eat!
I know what you mean about maternity clothes-they rock! I too wore Ken's shorts for pjs and his shirts too. My advice for after Grayson gets here- have nursing sleep bras or tanks for easy nursing throughout the day. Also, bring maternity clothes to wear home from the hospital. For some reason I thought I could fit into a dress I had worn in my early pregnancy-NOT! The weight seemed to come off quickly. I still have a bit to go,but not as much as I thought I would have. Forget people saying you are small: you eat right and that's what matters.Can't wait to meet Grayson. It's fun reading your blog.Christina
Yippee, just a month to go!! Can't wait to meet G and follow your adventures here on the blog. So fun!!