Grayson was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease (Mito for short) in April of 2012. Mito is a genetic disease that results in energy deficiency and can affect almost any organ system in the body.

For more information on Mitochondrial Disease, please visit the following sites:

Grayson has Leigh Syndrome, a form of Mito that is progressive and fatal. For more information on Leigh Syndrome, please click here.


  1. Tashena on November 5, 2015 at 12:48 pm

    My name is Tashena and I have a dear friend who's son is slowly losing his battle with mito. I read you have been using essential oils for your son Grayson and I would like to help my friend by giving her samples of these oils to try on her littlest boy (of 5 boys).
    Please email me @
    Thank you.
    I'll be praying for you and your son.