There's a Sucker Born Every Minute
When we leave the house, our 3 little dogs stay in a big crate. They are totally fine in the crate, and a lot of times will go in there on their own. But when we come home, they go NUTS. We can hear them start barking when we pull in the driveway. This used…
Cute Baby: Valentine's Edition
The bugs are Grayson’s feet! Ah, Valentine’s Day. The love, the kisses, the hugs, the fussing, the diaper blowout, the nothing is going to make me happy mood my little Valentine was in all day. Luckily, we did have a few minutes of adorableness in front of the camera this morning. I have no brainpower…
How I Feed My Baby
I wrote this post a few months ago, but didn’t publish it until today, because Grayson’s story is featured today on another blog and I wanted to link it to that. When I wrote this, how I feed Grayson was an incredibly emotional issue for me and I was dealing with a lot of guilt…
Forget Tummy Time, Give me a Massage!
If this baby didn’t have the life before, he sure does now. We had a meeting with the OT this morning and among other things, she gave me a lesson on infant massage. The massage is supposed to help with Grayson’s awake time and allow him to tolerate more “active alert” learning time. We stripped…
Being a Mom is All About Change
My body changed… Poor pants with no body able to fit into them I change a LOT of diapers… Yay Bodily Functions! I change my clothes… Spit Happens I change the laundry… The not so fun part of sweet little baby clothes I change sheets… I change batteries… Our favorite battery-powered lifesaver I…
Grayson and Gabby
I think my 2 Gs kind of look alike in this picture! My sweet little Gabby was keeping Grayson company this morning while he was doing his “work”. I never thought about it until today, but Gabby might be a good “therapy dog” for Grayson- she’s sweet, gentle, and can relate to eye issues.…
Laughter is the Best Medicine
The title of this post was originally “Feeling Overwhelmed”. I started to write it after the vision teacher left this morning, leaving behind piles of “visually stimulating” materials next to the pallet of boppys for tummy time that we are working with for Grayson’s OT. Grayson was asleep, again, on his tummy- seems like the…
Things I'm Wondering Today
Can I make it through this winter without a coat, since mine is covered in dog hair? How is there SO much dog hair in my house? Yes, I know we have 4 dogs. But still. Why do I constantly have loads and loads of laundry to do, yet nothing to wear? What is that smell…
Tummy Time Bootcamp
We got the results of Grayson’s MRI this morning. Basically, they found something abnormal-he has a thin corpus collosum (you can google it) and is being referred to an endocrinologist because this could indicate a hormonal/gland issue. He also has Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, which can manifest itself anywhere from simply poor vision to mental retardation.…
What a Difference A Year Makes
One year ago, I peed on a stick and saw this: About four weeks later, I fell in love with this little blinking dot: Then, 12 weeks after that, I fell even more in love with the face of our BOY: Ten more weeks passed, and I got a real sneek peak: I decorated his…