September 11, 2012
On September 11, 2001 the world changed forever. Yesterday, September 11, 2012, my family’s world changed forever. It was a beautiful, clear morning in Houston, not unlike what New Yorkers described eleven years ago before ugly black smoke filled the blue sky. I loaded Grayson in the car and headed to my parents’ house to…
TGIF- We Survived Friday!
I know you are tired of looking at pictures of my little boy asleep in his crib, but he’s just so sweet when he sleeps and I think it’s so funny how creative he gets with his bumpers every night- I just can’t resist sneaking into his room and snapping away. Also, I am breathing…
So What Wednesday
So What if I’m disappointed I’m not doing my Wordless Wednesday I had planned- an ultrasound picture of Baby Baker…I was on my way to my appointment when I got a phone call that my doctor had to go to a delivery. Babies and their timing! I rescheduled for tomorrow, but Wordless Thursday just doesn’t…
Memorable Moment Monday: Peace
After another difficult day (lots of puking and fussiness), G’s worn out body finally gave him some peace at bedtime. I just love watching him sleep, even when I question his positioning. Related: maybe it’s time to get him a pillow. Thank you as always for all your kind, encouraging comments on yesterday’s post. Yes,…
Rough Week
Tonight, I’m exhausted and feeling pretty defeated. I really try not to dwell on the negatives of our particular situation, but I also want to be transparent and admit that sometimes a lot of the time life with Grayson is really hard. The day to day challenges as well as the fear of what his…
Friday Night Fun (insert sarcasm here)
So I guess Grayson thought it was lame that we had no Friday plans and decided to mix things up. We got home from school yesterday and I put him in his excersaucer and turned on his music. A few minutes later, he was slumped over and zoned out. I thought he was just exhausted…
23 Months!
Dear Grayson,Happy 23 months- in one month you will be the Birthday Boy again! I really can’t believe I’m going to have a TWO year old in about 30 days! You have had a good month. Thankfully, you are sleeping much better than you were last month. You are still waking up once or twice…
Memorable Moment Monday: First Day of School
Well, we made it through Grayson’s first First Day of School! It went remarkably well. And yes, I was that mom who took a million pictures at home and at school before I left him. He jumped right in and started playing right away- made me so happy. He was sound asleep when I picked him up…
SensaCalm Weighted Blanket Review
Grayson has had a tough couple of months- his body just won’t relax. He’s really stiff, and there’s the ever-present frustration that his body won’t let him do what he wants it to. I also mentioned before that sleep has been a major issue for us, and I asked for advice on things that may…
Letting Go and Moving On
Grayson took his first bath (well, really it’s a shower) in his new chair tonight. Poor thing was totally confused. I think he liked how the water felt coming from the sprayer, but he kept looking at me with a lot of uncertainty and fussed a little. And I really need to figure out the…