We are settling into a new routine. In some ways, I feel like I’m back in the newborn days, not really knowing what I’m doing and waking up several times a night to “feed”. But, out of respect for all you mommies of newborns (I have a lot of friends who have had babies recently),…

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Dear Grayson, Well, this letter is a week and a half late, but we’ve been a little busy! We celebrated your birthday, and then a week later, we strapped ourselves in for one crazy roller coaster ride! You wouldn’t know by looking at your sweet little grin, but your 13th month has been tough. Tough…

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We got home from the hospital yesterday, and are adjusting (more about this in an upcoming post) but a few days ago it became obvious that Grayson’s rapidly growing locks just weren’t jiving with having strips of tape running across his face. Big chunks of hair were getting caught in the tape, and it was…

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Tomorrow we go home! I am 90% thrilled, 10% terrified. My baby will be going home with a tube down his nose which will feed him 24 hours a day. His home pump, supplies, and pole were delivered this afternoon, after an extremely stressful morning where for about 2 hours, we were told insurance wasn’t…

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What. A. Day. I woke at 4 am- I know you are surprised I was able to drag myself out of the ultra-luxurious bed vinyl couch I’ve been sleeping on for the past week. My thought was I’d take a quick shower before His Royal Highness woke up for a fun-filled itinerary of Bloodwork! NG Tube insertion!…

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Just a quick update because I am too exhausted to write many details: Grayson is not getting better. His GI and Swallow Study results are normal, but he’s still vomiting every time we give him food. We are doing a calorie count today, and so far our count is abysmal. What is going in is…

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A lot of you have asked for an update- there’s not a lot of new news, because today has been just a waiting day. Since they don’t do the Upper GI or Swallow Study tests on the weekend, there wasn’t much to do today except keep Grayson comfortable and hydrated through the IV. We did…

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Update on Grayson: We have been in the hospital since Thursday morning. Grayson was staying with my friend while I had a counseling appointment and he vomited 3 times in the hour I was gone. Enough. I just can’t do it any more. My friend drove us to the ER. On the way, I started…

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First, because I have to have something good to talk about today, could my little guy be any cuter with his big blue eyes and white hoodie? I don’t think so. I’ve had a lot of people ask me how we are doing. The truth is, today, not so good. Honestly, right now, I’m having…

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