Posts by Elizabeth Baker
So What Wednesday
So What if I’m disappointed I’m not doing my Wordless Wednesday I had planned- an ultrasound picture of Baby Baker…I was on my way to my appointment when I got a phone call that my doctor had to go to a delivery. Babies and their timing! I rescheduled for tomorrow, but Wordless Thursday just doesn’t…
Read MoreMemorable Moment Monday: Peace
After another difficult day (lots of puking and fussiness), G’s worn out body finally gave him some peace at bedtime. I just love watching him sleep, even when I question his positioning. Related: maybe it’s time to get him a pillow. Thank you as always for all your kind, encouraging comments on yesterday’s post. Yes,…
Read MoreRough Week
Tonight, I’m exhausted and feeling pretty defeated. I really try not to dwell on the negatives of our particular situation, but I also want to be transparent and admit that sometimes a lot of the time life with Grayson is really hard. The day to day challenges as well as the fear of what his…
Read MoreFriday Night Fun (insert sarcasm here)
So I guess Grayson thought it was lame that we had no Friday plans and decided to mix things up. We got home from school yesterday and I put him in his excersaucer and turned on his music. A few minutes later, he was slumped over and zoned out. I thought he was just exhausted…
Read More23 Months!
Dear Grayson,Happy 23 months- in one month you will be the Birthday Boy again! I really can’t believe I’m going to have a TWO year old in about 30 days! You have had a good month. Thankfully, you are sleeping much better than you were last month. You are still waking up once or twice…
Read MoreMemorable Moment Monday: First Day of School
Well, we made it through Grayson’s first First Day of School! It went remarkably well. And yes, I was that mom who took a million pictures at home and at school before I left him. He jumped right in and started playing right away- made me so happy. He was sound asleep when I picked him up…
Read MoreSensaCalm Weighted Blanket Review
Grayson has had a tough couple of months- his body just won’t relax. He’s really stiff, and there’s the ever-present frustration that his body won’t let him do what he wants it to. I also mentioned before that sleep has been a major issue for us, and I asked for advice on things that may…
Read MoreLetting Go and Moving On
Grayson took his first bath (well, really it’s a shower) in his new chair tonight. Poor thing was totally confused. I think he liked how the water felt coming from the sprayer, but he kept looking at me with a lot of uncertainty and fussed a little. And I really need to figure out the…
Read MoreA Day in Our Life
One of my friends does “Day in the Life” posts every few months, and I’ve wanted to do one for our family for awhile now. Today was typical for us in a lot of ways, but we also had a lot going on, so I thought it was the perfect day to give it a…
Read MoreIt's only Tuesday?!
Is it seriously only Tuesday? This week has been eternally long already. Yesterday, I got a call around lunchtime from the trainer at Ryan’s school that he was having chest pains and shortness of breath and that they had called EMS. Thank goodness for our nurse because I was able to leave right away to…
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