One Year: Happy Birthday Grayson!

Dear Grayson,

Happy Birthday to YOU!

Last September 22, I never would have imagined what a year we would have. It’s been a year of joy, of precious, tender moments as well as silly, goofy ones. I love being silly with you and watching your face light up with a smile and listening to your belly laugh. I love cuddling with you as you lay your head on my shoulder with your thumb in your mouth. I love watching you each day become more curious and inquisitive with the world and I love helping you learn new things. I love you. Exactly the way you are.

Yes, it’s been a year of joy, but also one of uncertainty. You’ve been through more than your fair share of tests and doctors’ visits this year, and there are still so many unknowns. I wouldn’t change a thing though. This year, and YOU, have taught me to trust my instincts and to ask questions, to press for answers. I think being your mom has made me tougher in a lot of ways, but softer and kinder in some ways too. I look at the world, and people, differently because of you. I’ve learned to give myself a break; that’s it’s ok that I’m not the “perfect” mom- I’m just Grayson’s mom and I’ll take that over perfection any day. You are your Daddy’s and my child, but more importantly, God’s child. He has cared for you perfectly for 365 days and I know will continue to guide your precious little life.

I can’t believe we are already celebrating your first year- it happened in the blink of an eye. There are moments I just want to freeze time, to keep you my tiny baby forever. But then you learn a new skill, (finally) try a new food, or learn to make a ridiculously adorable new funny face, and I want you to keep growing and changing.

I love you so much my sweet little man. I can’t wait to celebrate you at your party on Saturday. (And I really hope we get some awesome cake smashin’ pictures too!)

Happy Birthday!



  1. Traci on September 22, 2011 at 12:42 pm

    Happy birthday to a special little boy!!

  2. Jillian Moller on September 22, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Happy birthday G! You are so loved by so many and such a blessing to all.

  3. Karen on September 23, 2011 at 12:33 am

    Happy birthday to a handsome little boy!!

  4. basebell6 on September 23, 2011 at 2:26 am

    happy birthday grayson!

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