Letters to Nolan: 3 Years
Dear Nolan,
Friday night I tucked you into bed and kissed my two year old for the very last time. You are now three, and our family’s toddler years are behind us. This is bittersweet, but definitely more sweet than bitter. I love the little boy you are becoming- the way you talk in whole paragraphs, use the bathroom yourself, hang with the big kids in the cul de sac, and charm us every day with your funny little personality.
We had a family party at the ranch this weekend, and you got to celebrate with your grandparents, great grandmother, two of your uncles, your aunt and us. You had so much fun opening up your presents (lots of Paw Patrol and dinosaurs) and blowing out the candles of your cake. Charlotte made posters to decorate and she and Grammie made the cake for you. She wanted everything to be just right. I love our little family parties; they are so sweet and you just love feeling special. When we got home from the ranch this afternoon, your Daddy had pizza, presents and another cake waiting for you.
Tomorrow is your first day of preschool. You’ve watched your big brother and sister head to school for the past three weeks and now it’s your turn! You will be going 5 days per week this year, and will have the same teachers that Charlotte had in the 3 year old class. I am not nervous or sad at all to send you off to school- you love to learn, are observant, and follow directions so well. I can’t wait to see what all your learn this year.
Some things I never want to forget about 3 year old Nolan are:
- The way you put in your breakfast order every night as we tuck you into bed “Sausage biscuit for breakfast?”
- Your adoration of all things sausage
- The way you crinkle up your nose when you laugh or are mad
- The formal way you answer some questions. “Nolan, would you like to go outside and play?” “Yes I would!”
- Your love of dinosaurs, superheroes, and Disney princesses
- The way you zoom around on your four wheeler and your bike
- The fact that you named one of your stuffed animals Uncle Sixty
- Your sensitive personality. When you are happy, you are easy going, funny and agreeable. But if you aren’t happy – look out. You have cried and cried since you were an infant, and still shed lots of angry tears. I’m learning just to hug you and tell you I love you until the tantrums pass.
Nolan, you will always be the perfect punctuation mark to our family. You are so so loved and I already adore the three year old version of you. Happy Birthday!
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