#NaBloPoMo Day 30: Finished!
It’s almost 9:30, I just got home from a church event, I’m tired and a little bit sick. The last thing I want to do right now is write another blog post, to be honest. But I can’t quit now, on the last day of #NaBloPoMo!
This is the second year I’ve written every day in November, and this year seemed much easier. I guess it’s because I’ve realized that not every post has to be a polished, perfect piece of writing. The idea is to write. Period.
There are some topics that I wanted to write about and tried, but couldn’t get any cohesive thoughts down. I have some post ideas I want to tackle soon, but I’m so excited (and relieved) to start my month of reading tomorrow and digest someone else’s words rather than my own for awhile.
Thank you for all who followed along this month, and especially those who commented with feedback and/or encouragement. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your families.
Loved reading! Now enjoy your month of reading. 🙂