Life just got a lot busier. Last week, I started two new jobs and Whole30. I was quite overwhelmed (and hungry) but this week, I’ve organized my schedule and to-dos, and I’m feeling optimistic and happy about my new routine and responsibilities.
Job #1: I’ve taken over as the Managing Editor of Houston Moms Blog. I love to blog, and I also love to play around with words and correct grammar (#nerdalert) so this job was made for me. I’m still learning all the systems, as well as the world of SEO (was totally clueless about that until this week) but am loving it so far. I’ll still be blogging there regularly; in fact, my latest post was published on HMB today.
Job #2: I’m back working at Waggin’ Tails Pet Ranch part-time. I love everything about this job and have wanted to go back for years (but…children). Since Ryan is home for the summer, he is with the kids and I’m able to work 3-4 days/week right now. When school starts again, I’ll work while Charlotte and Nolan are in preschool and then some weekends. It’s refreshing to be working a job that has nothing to do with parenting…and I can snuggle cute dogs, and then give them back to their owners. (I have absolutely ZERO desire to have a dog of my own right now).
Whole30: I’ve watched a lot of people complete Whole30s in the last year, but I was way intimidated and unmotivated to do it myself (because, basically my love for bread and cheese rank just under my children). Then Ryan and I decided we both needed to make some changes in our eating, so I suggested we try it in June. At the time, June seemed really far off. We started last Sunday, June 4, so I’m just now finishing Day 9. Surprisingly, it’s going really well. I had a headache and was cranky for a few days, and I miss toast, but that’s about it. I am doing this VERY simply- no fancy recipes are being prepared. I’ve taken pictures of almost every meal, because for some reason it’s satisfying to look and see all the healthy food I’ve consumed. I’m still waiting for the glowing skin and boundless energy to appear, but overall I feel good and proud of myself and Ryan for doing this.
Kids: My sweet Grayson started summer school today. I stuck him on the bus this morning that was headed to a different school and teacher than he had in Kindergarten (side note: how do I have a 1st grader?!). His sweet teacher (who I haven’t met yet) texted me right after dismissal today that he had a great day. I was so happy and relieved. We hired Grayson’s previous teacher to work his respite hours this summer. She is amazing with all 3 of the kids and we are loving having her around. Grayson also is doing PT this summer in the pool! I love that he can do summer things like swimming.
Charlotte continues to make me laugh as well as frustrate me with her sass, silliness and wit. My goals for Charlotte this summer: teach her to swim and get her to eat less than 100 snacks a day. Good luck, right?
Nolan is my maniac toddler. He is so LOUD, crazy and cute. He is loving the pool- he goes down the little water slide tons when we go.
I really wish we could put the younger kids in camps or fun activities this summer, but everything is SO expensive. We are hoping to take a few trips to the ranch and maybe go to Morgan’s Wonderland in San Antonio next month.
Here’s to summer, new jobs and getting healthy!
This is so awesome . . . way to go! Super excited and impressed for you/by you! 🙂
On a side note, I should have hired you to edit my book since I know nothing about grammar but love to write, and apparently, you like need to know something about grammar. Ha!
We hope to visit Morgan's Wonderland, too. 🙂