Second Trimester
March 31, 2015
I’ll be 16 weeks tomorrow- how is that even possible? Last Thursday, my doctor made sure I still didn’t want to know the sex of this baby, because she could have told me that day. What? How am I already at that point? And no, I didn’t want to know- being surprised with Charlotte was one of the best moments of my life, and I can’t wait to be surprised again.
Of course, when I stop to think about it, the last 3 months have actually been really, really long and incredibly difficult. I’ve just been so sick, so tired, and so hungry. I’ve already gained about 8-10 pounds because eating is the only thing that really gives me relief from the nausea and (duh) hunger- well, that an Zo.fran that I finally started taking regularly. Praise God for Zo.fran.
I am feeling better overall- I’ve actually been ok during the day most days and even in the mornings as long as I eat something pretty filling in the middle of the night (so annoying). I still hit a wall of exhaustion about 3:00 every afternnoon- usually about the time I pick Grayson up from school. Then the nausea usually hits about 5:00 and I feel pretty sick until I fall asleep (early).
Although I definitely have a bump, I’m still in regular clothes and am trying to wait until I get bigger to get maternity clothes- when I was pregnant with Grayson during the spring/summer I was still working and needed different type clothing than I will this time, when I’ll be chasing a toddler and recovering Grayson from surgery (we scheduled his surgery for early May, by the way).
The baby causing all these shenanigans is apparently doing great; I had an ultrasound Thursday and he/she was wiggling like crazy and still right on track for growth. I’ve felt movement a handful of times- each time completely obvious what it was, but I’m not feeling kicks regularly yet. I have round ligament cramps all day long and some of them are really painful- the nice thing about a third pregnancy is with things like that, I know they are completely normal and don’t worry a bit about them- they are just annoying, not worrisome.
I’m so thankful to be in the second trimester and that everything seems to be great with this baby. Of course, we are always praying for a healthy baby and that he/she continues to develop normally. And I’m definitely not wishing this pregnancy to fly by- I have a lot to do and get orgnanized before we become a family of 5!
I am so sorry that you're still feeling so sick, but I am overjoyed about the beautiful baby you're growing!! xoxo.
So glad you're feeling better, though that afternoon exhaustion must be brutal. I can't believe you're already 16 weeks… And that you're going to be a family of five relatively soon. That is CRAZY!
I LOVED waiting to find out the sex as well. If we ever have a 3rd, it will be a surprise for sure. 🙂 This pregnancy is flying along (from my perspective *grin*). Glad you're feeling a little better. I was on Zofran every 4 hrs from 6w-17w with Harvey and still puking all day long. At least the zofran helped me function between pukes though. I hope your nausea is completely gone soon!
Happy 16 weeks! I'm glad you're feeling better. I hit a wall every day at 3p too but for different reasons… I find that Sour Patch Kids are crucial to get me through 😉