Letters to Charlotte: 21 Months
Dear Charlotte,
This letter is a few days late because it’s been a crazy, chaotic week. Just hours after taking your 21 month pictures, we had to take Grayson to the hospital and he was there until yesterday afternoon. You were such a little trooper, staying with many different people this week- all who love you to pieces and took such good care of you. I missed you so much though, and hope we don’t have to do that again for a really long time. Today when we dropped Grayson off at school, you started crying and saying his name- I think you really missed him too.
I can hardly believe you are already 21 months- just three months away from turning two. Wow! Your second year has completely flown by.
At 21 Months you:
- Weigh right at 26 pounds
- Sleep 12-13 hours a night and take one nap, usually about 2 hours.
- Take 3 bottles of milk a day- at bedtime, naptime, and early in the morning if you wake up before I’m ready for you to.
- Wear size 24 month and 2T clothing, and size 5 shoes
- Have completely crazy hair, and I’m trying to figure out how I’m supposed to style it in this awkward, in between baby and normal hair stage. The sprout ponytail on top of your head is our go-to for now.
- Love school and I’m amazed at how much you are learning even just going one day a week
- Can count to 10, say (most of) your ABCs, know your colors, animal sounds and the names of a ton of things I had no idea you knew
- Say the most adorable things. My favorite is when you randomly say “Bless you, Mommy”. You also say “Yes, please” and “Thank you” pretty consistently and in the right context.
- Finally have a security object. About a month ago, we took care of your cousin Theo’s dog Milton for a few days, and they gave you a stuffed “Milton” as a thank you. Now, you won’t go anywhere without Milton. He sleeps with you, rides in the car with you, and has to watch you eat your meals and take your bath.
Charlotte, you are just the best. Thank you for making me laugh and being so, so sweet. I love you.
She is too cute! I love that she has a lovey and Milton is adorable. And she rocks the top sprout pony like no one I have seen! Happy 21 months sweet C!
What a cutie! And Milton too. I can't believe she is almost two. Time really does fly.