Bullet Points
I’ve been struggling with writing lately- I often find myself rehashing the same topics over and over in my head, but then I try to get them down in a post and nothing new or meaningful comes out. I’ve also been occupying my kid-free time with other things- ordering pictures to (finally) hang on the walls that had been bare since we moved in in January, watching movies with my husband (I am NOT a sit and watch a movie person, but he is, so I’ve been trying to indulge him), and well, to be honest, playing Candy Crush or sleeping. Ah, the lazy days of summer (or SO WHAT WEDNESDAY), right?
So instead of a one-topic, cohesive post, I’m just going to have to be ok with bullet points tonight. Here are some things on my mind today…
- I’m going to BlogHer next month! My friend and I wanted to take a trip this summer anyway, and when we found out Kerry Washington is the keynote speaker, there wasn’t much hesitation and we bought tickets. I may or may not be a little obsessed with Olivia Pope. I’m also beside myself with excitement to get to finally meet and hang out with one of my best blogging friends, see San Francisco for the first time, and just get away for a few days. Will anyone else be there? I’d love to meet up!
- While I’m in California, Ryan will obviously have the kids. This post by Josey is great, and has wonderful advice on letting our husbands take charge with the kids. I’ve been trying to be more hands off this summer with Ryan on summer vacation, and it’s been fun to listen and watch him parent from a distance.
- I am participating in a VIRTUAL BOOK CLUB for the month of July. It will be a month of hope and healing as we read and discuss the accounts of 31 thinking parents whose children have been impacted by a number of chronic childhood illnesses (from Autism to Allergies and ADHD to PANDAS, Mitochondrial dysfunction to Sensory Processing Disorder). The group is open to everyone who is interested in participating. I hope you will join me! The book title is: Evolution of a Revolution: From Hope to Healing. You Can request to join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teamtmrbookclub
- Please say a prayer tonight for our friend Jagger. Jagger is very close in age to Grayson (I believe he’s just a few months older than G) and also has Leigh Syndrome. I had the privilege of meeting Jagger’s dad a few weeks ago at the UMDF symposium. Jagger is not doing well- he’s having a lot of respiratory issues, and even stopped breathing for a time yesterday. The doctors are trying to determine if he is just really sick or if it’s disease progression. This afternoon I held Grayson on my lap and we talked about and prayed for Jagger. Sometimes the reality of how awful this disease is just becomes all too clear.
- We are going to attempt to take the kids to the beach this weekend. To be honest, I’m nervous. Grayson has heat intolerance and general I-don’t-like-change intolerance (ha!) but we were given a condo stay as part of the Beads of Courage event, so we want to take advantage of it. I hope Charlotte absolutely loves it- she is so cute and funny right now that I have a feeling watching her discover the beach will be worth any hassles of the trip.
That’s all I have for today- hope you all are doing well!