Another Hospital Stay
Grayson is in the hospital. I sensed all weekend we were headed that way- he was just “off” to me. A little too much crying, a random fever in the middle of the night, and some unscheduled naps told me something was up.
Grayson’s labs look ok (or, at least they did this morning), he hasn’t run a fever since yesterday, and yet, he’s sick. Crying. Vomiting. And just a few minutes ago, seizing.
I’ve held him a lot the last two days. I held him on the couch while he slept, trying to decide if we really needed to go to the ER (yes, we did). I held him in the ER bed while he cried himself to sleep after being poked multiple times to get a good IV. And this afternoon I held him in the uncomfortable chair beside his hospital crib as he wretched and vomited violently.
I’ve heard parents say sometimes they like it when their kids are sick for a day or two because of all the sweet, cuddly snuggles. And I get it. The snuggles are wonderful. But for me, it’s bittersweet because my kid will always be sick.
Hospital stays are hard. They just are. They are a complete disruption of life, a logistical nightmare if you have more than one kid, expensive (we easily spend $100+ on food and parking in just a few days), and emotionally and physically exhausting.
Ryan’s spring break is this week. In one way, it makes life easier because there has been one available parent per kid . But it’s also sad and incredibly unfair- for Ryan and for us. We had talked about taking the kids to the zoo- but instead, we have a really great aerial view of the zoo from the 10th floor of the hospital across the street.
Earlier today, I thought for sure Grayson would come home tonight. But a few minutes ago, Ryan texted that he’d had a bad seizure (his first since his last hospital stay) and he’ll be staying another night and even moving rooms to be more closely monitored.
Awh, sending hugs your way for the whole family.
I #@! $!!! Hate mito!!!! I hate hospitals, I hate GI problems, I hate needles, I hate hospital food, I hate all of it!!!!!!
I am sorry you are in too. We also had plans for spring break ruined by a hospital stay. Hugs.
I'm so sorry. Poor sweet G and I'm sorry that your plans were ruined and it's been a rough day. 🙁 I hope tonight is calm and tomorrow is brighter. Xoxo
I'm sorry. I hope he can come home soon.
I'm so sorry. Hope you can all get some rest and that your sweet boy is feeling better soon. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.
I could've sworn that I already commented on this? Anyway, I'm glad he is home again now, and I hope he recovers quickly. This is all so hard. I'm so sorry. I hope you can all just relax and rest during spring break now. Some quality family time, some down time, just a little stay-cation. You need some time to relax and be happy. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.
I'm so sorry. I hope he's better soon
I'm so sorry you all are dealing with that! Graham was only in the hospital for 3 days with his meningitis and it sucked. I hated being away from Paisley and worrying about Graham and missing Aaron. Hard to manage while at home, much less in the hospital. I hope he gets well really soon and you all can get out of there!