Letters to Charlotte: 11 Months
Dear Charlotte,
Today you are 11 months old: one month from today we will celebrate your first year of life. Your babyhood has passed in a blink, and I can hardly believe the speed at which you’ve changed from that tiny newborn who we met last January.
Next week we celebrate your first Christmas! You already have so many toys, books and clothes, but I suspect Santa might be paying you a visit and bringing a few special things that are on your list.
I weighed you this morning- 20 pounds, 4 ounces! This means you have less than a pound to gain before tripling your birth weight- amazing! You wear size 12 month clothing and size 3 diapers. Your hair is long enough now that it can hold a bow clip. I miss your sweet baby headbands, but you want nothing to do with them anymore. The little bows make you look so much more like a little girl rather than a tiny baby.
You are still a fantastic eater and most of the time a really good sleeper. You still nurse, although only at night before bed, in the morning when you wake up, and the times you happen to wake up in the night (which thankfully aren’t many!). You drink 3-4 8 ounce bottles a day and eat 2-3 meals of solid food. Right now, your favorite foods are pears, chicken, cheese, bananas and black beans. You absolutely LOVE black beans. You also share my breakfast with me in the morning, which usually is toast or waffles.
You are learning to talk! This is my favorite thing right now- it’s just incredible to watch you imitate sounds and words. Your words/phrases include “Hi Baby”, “Mama”, “Dadda”, “Bubba” or “Gray” (for Grayson), “Bye Bye”, “Hi”, “Meow” (what does a cat say?), “Rrroar” (what does a tiger say?), and “Na na” (your word for cracker…(??)).
You are STRONG WILLED. Behind these oh-so-cute smiley pictures was an epic meltdown to get you dressed and that sticker put on your onesie, complete with back arching, screaming, and kicking. I am making a conscious effort not to react to your tantrums; I know they are normal and won’t last forever. But sheesh, kid. Not every diaper or wardrobe change has to be a battle. It really doesn’t, you know.
You aren’t walking yet, but are pulling up on everything (EVERYTHING) and are starting to cruise. We’re taking bets whether or not you’ll be walking by your birthday. In the video below, watch closely- you stand on your own for a few seconds- something you’ve never done before. I’m so excited I caught it on video!
You FINALLY have 2 teeth! Your bottle 2 poked their way through last week, and you had an evening of a high fever as a result. You were so sad, your usually active little self limp and hot on my chest as I held you.
This video pretty much sums you up. You never stop, you love to talk and you are oh so cute.
Happy 11 Months to my little Charnado. I love you to the moon and back.
Happy 11 Month Birthday Charlotte!!!
Oh baby C, don't let your Mommy speak this slander, clearly there is no temper tantrum or back arching going on…all I see is crazy cuteness and a precious 11 month old. Sweet sweet video, I too love love love that baby voice and her words, so cute!
Wow. You are so close to the big ONE! I can't believe it! So exciting. And what a beautiful girl you are. I can't wait to see all you do in your second year.
This made me lol! I can't believe she's already 11mon!! Merry Christmas to you all 🙂