Whine, Whine, Whine
Cue sad violins…
I’ve written before about how I love being pregnant. And I do. And I will certainly miss it in a month when I no longer am.
Oh my word, being pregnant kicked my butt today.
First of all, I am a lot bigger (and feel like I am getting bigger by the day) than I was the first time around. Little Peanut Grayson measured weeks behind my whole third trimester. I never got that “get this thing OUT of me I am so uncomfortable” feeling. I’m not quite there, but umm…so this is what it feels like to be huge, tired and yes, UNCOMFORTABLE. Seriously, I would give anything for a night’s sleep on my stomach without waking up 42 times to go to the bathroom.
And my patience is ZERO. I’m blaming the hormones, because otherwise, I would qualify myself as World’s Worst Mother today. I honestly cannot remember a day in Grayson’s life where he drove me this insane. I told him I was going to sell him to the circus. And it’s not like he was any different today than any other day- waking up way too early, whining, whining, whining, refusing to nap except for 30 minutes in the arms of my friend at our PLAYdate (and then proceeded to scream while he wasn’t sleeping). And carrying his awkward, stiff little body everywhere is starting to hurt. Sigh. Praise the Lord for his 6:00 pm bedtime- it didn’t come soon enough tonight!
And I’m going to have TWO of these little rascals? Oy.
But it will be ok. Right? RIGHT?
The Pioneer Woman cinnamon rolls I ate for dinner (don’t judge) helped a little (thanks MIL). And sneaking in on this little dude while he sleeps-well, he’s definitely worth days like this.
Two on the outside is SO much easier than one on the inside and one on the out. Promise. Because at least then? There are such things as babysitters and mother's helpers and bladder control.Hang in there. It gets better.
It was such a joy to see you guys today. I know you're worn out, and I'm so sorry. But you look amazing, and those catches of G Force's sweet giggles when he was high five-ing you just made my day! Please video that so I can watch it anytime I feel blue. 😀 Much love and energy vibes and lots of prayers to you all. Can't wait for our next get together – and possibly having Baby Baker in attendance! I love you guys so much!
I can't imagine how hard it must be to be hugely pregnant with one while dealing with another. I hope the coming weeks aren't too tough on you. Keeping you in my heart and in my thoughts.
The best advice I have…make sure you have help! Lots of it! If I didn't have nursing when Ryan was born, I would have lost it completely!!! Seriously! You can't do it alone!
I remember… it's SO HARD to be hugely pregnant and have a completely dependent little one. Those last few weeks are so difficult and uncomfortable.The one thing to remember– newborns may not sleep though the night, but they do sleep through the day! Jack spent 90% of his time in the swing for the first few months while I took care of Liam!
I will never forget how hard the last few weeks were when I was pregnant with Graham. I missed playing with Paisley SOOO much and couldn't wait to have my mobility back. Let's face it- it's impossible to even reach your shoes, much less properly care for a 2-year-old. It gets a lot better when the 2nd one arrives. Seriously. Are there moments I want to run from this house like a crazy person on fire? Sure. But where you are right now was the toughest for me!
Hang in there, Mama! Baby C will be here soon and hopefully life will be easier (at least for your bladder!)…until then, whine away! I know I would be!
The circus? LOL. Don't you know that the carnival is better for kids. 🙂 It's okay to have a difficult time and feel overwhelmed and hormonal, and even a bit crazy. It's normal, and you are doing an amazing job! You are superwoman! But even super heros need a break.
Yes, stress eating often helps me as well! :).
For sure it is easier on you once le bebe is born, because then other people can help! Hang in there, I too remember this point being hard and doing any little thing was a whole lot of effort!
I've always heard that it's much easier physically on you (to have two young ones) once the baby is born. Obviously, I can't say from experience, but I'm hoping for an easy transition for you! I love shots of G. sleeping – he's so sweet :).