Thank you
I haven’t felt much like writing this week- it just didn’t seem right to talk about either good or bad things happening in my life right now, when so many families in Connecticut are suffering the worst kind of horror, and right before Christmas. Yesterday I read about one of the little boys who was murdered; he died in the arms of his teachers aid, who was trying to shield him from bullets. He was a special needs child. I can’t get that little boy out of my mind, and I cry and pray for his family, even as I hold my own little boy tight and witness the love and adoration he has for his own teachers.
I will write soon about some major things going on in our life, but right now I just don’t feel right doing it. But I do want to take time tonight to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has blessed our family this Christmas season. We have been given so much and are overwhelmed by the generosity of our family, friends, church, and people we don’t even know. I keep saying I wish I had better words to thank you all adequately. 2012 has been an incredibly difficult, stressful year, but it’s also been a year of incredible blessings.
Thank you to all of you who have wrapped our family in love and have given us so,so much more than we deserve or could ask for. Merry Christmas!
Elizabeth, Ryan and Grayson
Thank you for your friendship!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas, mama!
Thank you for being such a blessing to our family this year! I am thankful for your friendship and Merry Christmas to you, Ryan And Grayson!
I hope G-man is feeling well and you guys have a super wonderful Christmas!