Finally Home
After ten days of traveling, I’m finally home for good. I’ve barely seen my little guy in ten days, and it was so good to cuddle him all afternoon today. I’ve missed my family being in one place, I’ve missed our routine and schedule, I’ve missed my friends, I’ve missed my blog, and I’ve missed my bed. I’m so glad to be home.
I was in Charlotte last Wednesday through Monday. Although not a vacation, it was really nice to be in one of my favorite cities surrounded by family. My grandfather’s memorial service was incredibly moving and special- as a church organist for 53 years, he knew exactly what music and scripture he wanted, so it was personal and perfect. The church was packed, and the line to talk to my grandmother after the service was almost out the door- just shows what an impact my Grandaddy had on earth. He will surely be missed by so many.
Unfortunately, my high-drama fetus did not give me a break while I was on the trip. By some miracle, I didn’t throw up on the actual flight to NC, but didn’t make it to baggage claim- ugh. I felt pretty crappy the rest of the trip, but rested frequently and ate everything in site to try and keep the nausea at bay.
Ryan and Grayson picked me up at the airport on Monday. Ryan did such a good job taking care of G and I was glad they got a lot of bonding time. I loved G’s reaction when he saw me- he just laughed and laughed- so cute. We were home for one day (Tuesday) but instead of getting to spend the day with G, I spent the day hugging the toilet and in bed, so sick. I am SO OVER the first trimester (12 weeks tomorrow, thank goodness!). Thankfully, Dayo, our nurse, was here so Grayson was well taken care of.
Wednesday, Ryan and I left for an already-scheduled mini-vacay to the Texas Hill Country. We stayed 3 nights in a B&B and ate good food, watched several movies, outlet shopped, and just relaxed. It was great to get away, but by today I was missing Grayson so much and was feeling so guilty for the length of time I’ve been away.
It’s so good to be home and under the same roof as everyone in my little family. This coming week is Ryan’s last week of summer vacation before he goes back to work, and I’m planning to spend as much time as possible with both my boys.
I'm glad you're all back under one roof. I hope the mornin sickness is gone soon. I can't believe you're almost 12 weeks already! I hope the rest of the summer is restful.
my grandma and your grandpa would have been best buds; she's been a church organist 63 years and counting!
Welcome home! Glad you are back safe and sound, that sure was a lot of traveling! Glad it went well. Fingers crossed you feel better asap!
So glad you're home! The funeral sounds very moving, and the bed and breakfast sounds SO NICE… but home is so restful… besides, it sucks to throw up into any toilet other than your very own. Not that it's pleasant to puke in your own, but at least you know who's butt has been on it, and where that butt has been! LOL. I'm so glad that you have such good help with Grayson, it seems so perfectly timed. What a blessing! I'm sorry the plane ride was so awful though. Hoping you get past the morning sickness SOON! 🙂
Welcome home!!!! I can't imagine not being with Matthew…. I have not left him yet. You are a trooper! I hope you're feeling better soon. I was never sick with Matthew so I don't know how awful it is, but I can imagine it's pretty rotten!
Welcome home, mama. "High drama fetus" –> made me giggle. Here's to your nausea hopefully being gone soon!
What an exhausting trip – both! Welcome home! Sorry that the high drama fetus has been giving you troubles – hope it gets better very soon!!!