17 Months!
The other day, I broke down and bought you a Jumperoo. You love to play in them at your friends’ houses, and I need something else that can entertain you so I can get laundry and dishes done. You love it (although our house definitely now looks like a daycare with all the contraptions and toys).
Your tube is still working great- you are gaining weight and everyone comments on how healthy you look! You are still throwing up at least once a day, which worries me. You are SO sneaky- I turn away for just a second and you have that tube in your mouth- it’s just too tempting, isn’t it?
You got your 3rd haircut this week- we love Ms. Monica for coming to our house to make you so handsome!
This coming month, we have a lot of doctors appointments, but also have some fun things planned, like going to see Daddy’s softball team play in a few tournaments and lots of play dates with friends.
I’m sitting here with a stack of papers with big words, lots of numbers and tiny print, all about you. There’s ratios and percentages, descriptions of chemicals, enzymes, and processes, all about you. I don’t understand what 90% of it means, because it’s complicated, scientific stuff that’s going on in the cells of you body. Pages and pages, all about you. But as much as those numbers and fancy words say about you, there’s a lot about you that a blood test or biopsy won’t reveal. For example, you still love to be held and lay your head on my shoulder. You love when people sing to you (especially your Grammie). You make the sweetest sound when you suck your thumb and I could listen to that sound forever. You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made. You are so, so loved.
Happy 17 months G-Man.
Oh my, he could not be any cuter in these pictures. 17 months, whoa! I can't believe it!!! I know it was a rough month, so glad that you are back to happy and silly days, fingers crossed for a calmer 18 month!
He is so awesome. He looks so grown up with his new haircut!! Happy 17 months, G!
Three haircuts already. Wow! So cute. He looks like a very mischievous boy in those pics – love them! ha!
Oh My Soooo cute!
Wow! Grayson you are such a big boy!