Thursday Snippets
March 31, 2011
- I’ve made three appointments for Grayson- one pediatric opthamologist, one pediatric neuro-opthamologist, and one pediatric neurologist. None of them can see him until May, although I talked to the nurse at my pediatrician’s office this morning, and she working on getting him in sooner with the neurologist.
- We tried sweet potatoes today. This was the result:
Grayson really likes sitting in that booster seat, and he was holding his head up well today, so I decided to feed him in it. He obviously really likes how the sweet potatoes taste, but I still don’t think any are making it to his tummy. He was going to town sucking them off his fingers though!
I had a really nice morning visit from a friend I taught with two years ago, and am looking forward to a playdate tomorrow with Grayson’s friend from church (and his mommy, who is obviously my friend).
My new favorite thing is the Virtual Bookclub I am a part of. We just started and it’s going GREAT- some really interesting and revealing discussions!
I made an appointment with my counselor. I haven’t talked to her in 2 1/2 years, and briefly filled her in on the phone about Grayson. In the time since I’ve talked to her, she’s had 2 grandchildren born with special needs, one who is visually impaired. Gave me chills.
I am really, really, really excited about Girls Night Out Saturday with some friends I taught with last year- and almost as excited about the margarita I’ll be having (it’s been too, too long!)
I can’t wait to dress Grayson in the outfit I have planned for him to wear Sunday for his dedication. He’s going to be quite the handsome man!
It’s been a pretty “easy” day today. I was thinking about why, and realized a lot of it has to do with the fact that IZZY isn’t here (she’s at daycare along with her brother and her sisters). How in the world can a cute little dachshund seem like more work than an infant? Sigh. If kids imitate what they hear the most, Grayson’s first words could very well be, “Izzy! Stop it!”
So cute! Glad you found something he's so enthusiastic about! We're looking forward to tomorrow also
How AWESOME that your therapist has grandchildren with situations similar to Grayson's! That is amazing. Now you can be confident that she at least has some idea what you're going through. I'm so happy you're seeing someone. I'm a huge believer in therapy! (I go once a month now, but I've been going weekly for YEARS!)I hope you have fun with your girlfriends. A margarita sounds amazing!
Love the sweet potato pic, so adorable! So happy he liked it! Glad it was a good and easy day. Sounds like you have some fun weekend plans, enjoy that margarita, yum!!! Oh and great about the therapy, I am also a big believer, it can only help!
The answer to your last comment is yes, it will be. Preston disciplines Lacy and Leo for us all the time. "No bark Lacy" or "Shhh! Leo". He loves it, they are the only ones he can boss around. :)Kendra
I was reading online about when kids put their hands in their mouth while eating, because c does that too, and they said just let them because then they are still learning how to swallow, and move food around in their mouth:) So glad he likes sweet potatoes… and that it was a good day…
Sorry, that was from the last comment.. I was logged in somehow from Matt's account:)
Aw what a cutie!