Friday Update
So I guess my last post was a little more “Debbie-Downer” than I intended. Things are definitely better now than Monday, and my worries are much less after getting them out, as well as talking to family and friends.
I just got back from a doctor’s appointment. 37 weeks- full term!! I REALLY feel like I am bigger than last week and told my doctor that before she measured me. Nope. Still measuring at 33, same as last week. Grr. But she seemed much less concerned than last week (maybe her seeming more concerned last week was my mis-perception and anxiety, who knows) and the heart still sounds great. She estimates Grayson’s weight to be 5.5 pounds, so I probably need to do some shopping for the teensy-weensie newborn clothes. I am not progressing internally AT ALL, so she thinks I definitely have a few more weeks to go. Today she said if he isn’t born by my due date she’ll induce on that day. So his birthday could very well be October 7!
Izzy is back to her normal spunky self. She spent all day at the vet Monday. She was dehydrated so she was given fluids, 2 antibiotic shots, and she was sent home with meds and bland food. She was still kind of puny that night, but by the next night, totally fine. Such a relief- I was worried about my little girl!
Ryan is still having a lot of pain in his knee so I think we are back to scheduling surgery. We just don’t know when. Work and baby kind of take up a lot of time 🙂
I really am feeling good today- physically and emotionally. I am just planning on relaxing and enjoying this weekend- get some stuff organized, hang out with Ryan and the dogs, and finish some painting. Hooray for weekends!
Glad to hear this, Elizabeth. Han and I are excited about meeting Grayson in October!