I'm Blogging!
I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a long time now, but the whole idea of it just makes me nervous. I guess I’m just self conscious about putting my life on the internet and even more nervous about what people will think. I don’t want to look dumb, boring, or that I am sharing T.M.I. But…one of my favorite things to do is read other people’s blogs, and I really want to chronicle our lives right now, since we are about to embark on some pretty fantastic changes REALLY soon.
So…about me. I am 30 years old, married 2 years, have 4 dogs and 1 baby on the way- more specifically on the way in about 5 1/2 weeks! I was a teacher for 7 years but resigned at the end of last school year to be a stay at home mommy, which is what I’ve known my whole life is what I wanted to do. This new job makes me nervous, scared, but mostly so excited! I can’t wait to be a mom!
My husband Ryan is a high school teacher/coach who is being so supportive and wonderful about our decision for me to stay home. I know it scares him and puts tons of pressure on him financially, but he has been great and I couldn’t ask for more.
Our son’s name is Grayson Robert, and we can’t wait to meet him in person! Everyone asks us how we chose his name, is it a family name, etc. Grayson is not- Ryan and I decided on both our girl and boy names before we were even engaged (we had nursery furniture before that too- yeah, I know). I think I just suggested it and Ryan really liked it, so it stuck. Robert is after Ryan’s grandfather who passed away a few years ago. He was a father to Ryan and we really wanted to honor him- he would have loved nothing more than to get to meet and hold Grayson.
I think I’ll “introduce” the rest of the family (the dogs) in a later post- they are so much a part of our lives and I have lots of thoughts to share on how this change in our family is going to affect them too. But for now- thanks for reading…I think I’m going to enjoy the bloggin thing.